Coming February 2025 - A Star Appears
The Star & Cicatrix Legacy Book One
Sixteen-year-old Riley has never had the confidence to stand up to the school bullies—until one of them harasses his friend Caroline. But his act of courageous defiance causes a mysterious black star to appear at the corner of his eye, setting in motion a series of events that will change his life forever.
The star marks Riley as the third star bearer in a prophesy that spans hundreds of years. Thrust into the otherworld of Leíso, he must defeat Iradocc, a demolic who’s intent on spreading Dark Magic through Leíso and the Human World . . . and who is determined to see Riley dead.
The first two star bearers failed. Now, only Riley can stop Iradocc before it’s too late. If he doesn’t, the Dark Magic will permeate both worlds, and everyone will die. But can Riley overcome his fears and believe in himself enough to save the world and those he loves?
A Star Appears is the first book in The Star & Cicatrix Legacy series, a magical and enchanting fantasy about family, friendship, loyalty and courage.